Your classic soft and spongy focaccia with a little twist.
500 gr flour 0
7 gr dry yeast
2 tsp sugar
170 ml milk, lukewarm
170 ml water, lukewarm
100 ml extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp salt
3 tsp activated charcoal powder
Salt flakes
Saltbush (or any hard herb)
Black pepper
30 ml extra virgin olive oil
30 ml water
15 gr salt
In a bowl place the flour, yeast and sugar, and with your hands, mix well the ingredients.
In a stand mixer bowl add the warm milk, warm water, oil and salt. With the paddle attachment mix them until the salt is dissolved.
Now, a bit at a time start adding your flour mix to the liquid. Keep mixing until all the flour is added and a rough dough is formed.
Switch to the hook attachment, and keep kneading for about 10 minutes at a medium speed, until a smooth, soft and elastic dough is formed.
Place it in an oiled bowl, cover it well and let it proof, in a warm place, for about 2 hours or until it doubled the size.
Oil well a baking tray where you will place the proofed dough. Gently stretch it to almost touch the edges of the tray and let it proof for an hour.
In a small bowl combine the brine ingredients and, with a brush, oil the surface of your focaccia.
With your fingertips, press gently on the surface of your focaccia to create small holes.
Top it with salt flakes, black pepper and saltbush (or cherry tomatoes, olives, thyme…) and bake it in a preheated oven at 200ºC for about 25 minutes.
Once cooked, remove it from the tray and let it cool off on a rack before serving.